Blog Techy & Repair


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Apple vs. Samsung - The Final Verdict

Apple and Samsung are two of the biggest players in the game of mobile communications. This article sheds light on the history of “Apple vs Samsung” and how it continues today in our mobile marketplace.

Read More 6/3/2019
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iPhone 8 vs iPhone XR Features and Price Comparison

Can’t decide between the iPhone 8 or iPhone XR? These shiny and new iPhones are the latest in groundbreaking technology, breaking the barriers of how we communicate, gather information, and entertain ourselves on a daily basis.

Read More 5/31/2019
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Best Tips and Tricks to Solve Common iPhone Problems

This detailed, instructional guide helps iPhone users to fix their common iPhone issues with ease.

Read More 5/16/2019
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Apple is Saying Goodbye To The Home Screen

THE HOME SCREEN has always been a major part of the iPhone identity. But recently at the latest WWDC, Apple made an announcement about abandoning the home screen in future iPhones.

Read More 5/13/2019
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Airport Security on Smartphones: New TSA Statement, “Turn Your Phone On, Or You Can’t Fly”

Having your phone, laptop or tablet dead at the airport is already a harrowing experience. Charging stations have become some of the most popular spots inside an airport. Now? It’s mandatory.

Read More 5/12/2019
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N.Y. Judge Takes Apple’s Side & Says “No” To Government Request

The tug of war between Apple and The Federal Government on Information Privacy is spreading out across the country in a big way.

Read More 5/12/2019
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Spotify Blames Apple For Bullying – Music Streaming Wars

Spotify says Apple is keeping the newest version of its’ iPhone music app out of the iTunes store on purpose to limit competition.

Read More 5/12/2019
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PhoneDoc Florida Spring Time Android App Picks

Spring is always a great time for app developers to push out their latest creations for Android smartphones.

Read More 5/12/2019