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N.Y. Judge Takes Apple’s Side & Says “No” To Government Request

The tug of war between Apple and The Federal Government on Information Privacy is spreading out across the country in a big way.


The company founded by Steve Jobs has heavily disagreed with the federal government about helping the FBI gain access to an iPhone 5c that came from the San Bernardino shooter. Apple has brazenly said, “NO” to making a “back door” of sorts for the FBI because doing so would violate our liberties. One thing that is not privy to a lot of folks is… This is NOT the ONLY Legal fight that Apple is presently embroiled in regards to the FBI. Earlier this week on 2/29,  a N.Y. Judge ruled against the FEDS in a different case. This development may seriously influence the San Bernardino one in a major way. On Monday, Magistrate Judge James Orenstein denied the FBI’s demand for Apple to unlock an iPhone that belonged to a convicted drug strafficker from New York. The federal government argued that the All Writs Act should force Apple to aid unlock the iPhone in the NY drug case. Orenstein said the federal government’s argument does not meet the thresholds required for the All Writs Act to be made use of. The court went so far regarding claim that the government’s interpretation of the All Writs Act was so vague that it was unconstitutional.

Going, Going Back, Back To Cali

The federal government is utilizing the exact same All Writs Act in its debate against Apple in the California case as it just did in the NY case. The California case is a bit different because they are demanding that Apple create a backdoor software to bypass thethe security function that erases an iPhone after too many failed attempts. While this does not guarantee the Apple will win in the case of the San Bernadino shooter, it is definitely ammo (Excuse My Pun) the Cupertino company can use. On March 22 Apple and also the Department of Justice are arranged to meet in court again.

Via Techcrunch

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